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Why join swim club?

Swim club is a great oppurtunity for those students who still want to continue swimming in college, but not at the varsity level. We have a varying degree of competitive level of swimmers on our team. Anyone can join! It also is a great place to make new friends.

How much does it cost?

Initial fees for swimmers run around $125 for the year or $75 a semester. In addition, we pay meet fees for every away meet. These include the price of hotels, required fees from the opposing team, and gas. These range from about $30 - $60 depending where we travel.

What are away meets like?

We often travel throughout the southeast! Past meets have included: Georgia Tech, Clemson, University of Florida, South Carolina and more! We all carpool to the meet and stay in hotels. Depending where we go, we usually leave on a Friday afternoon and return on Sunday. We have about 2 to 3 away meets a semester.




Do we have a home meet?

Yes!  In addition to our away meets, we hold a home meet once each semester and invite multiple schools to come and swim. We know how to host a great swim meet, so expect a lot of fun out of these ones!


When and where is practice?

Practice is held Monday through Thursday from 8pm-9pm, though that time is subject to change due to scheduling needs of the Gabrielson Natatorium. You get to practice in the same Olympic-sized swimming pool as our coveted UGA Bulldog Division I swim team. Practice is always conducted in short course, however. 2017-2018 practice requirements are laid out under the 'Join' page. Dry land practices are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:15pm before practice.


                               Have a Question?


Here are some common questions asked by new swimmers! If you have any others, feel free to contact us and come to our fall info meeting!


Where can I find the Swim Club Constitution?

Right here! Click the following link to view and read the UGA Swim Club's Constitution. ---->

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